John Claudius Loudon
別冊解説(各タイトル共通):安西 信一(元東京大学准教授)
An Encyclopaedia of Gardening
Comprising the Theory and Practice of Horticulture, Floriculture, Arboriculture, and Landscape Gardening, Including All the Latest Improvements; a General History of Gardening in All Countries, and a Statistical View of Its Present State; with Suggestions for Its Future Progress in the British Isles (1850*)
ISBN 978-4-902708-76-9 ・ 菊判 ・ 1318 pp., 1020 ill.
定価 本体54,000円+税 ▶ 2007年 残部僅少
The history and present state of gardening in Europe, the British Isles, and other countries; the use of materials such as water, wood, rocks, etc., in landscape gardening; public gardens; commercial gardens; construction of hothouses, apiaries, aviaries, etc.; aspects of garden design; the gardening profession, tradesmen, designers, and patrons; public laws; the gardening calendar; etc.
* First edition published in 1822; lastly revised by John Loudon, 1834; corrected and enlarged edition by Jane Loudon, 1850.
An Encyclopaedia of Agriculture
Comprising the Theory and Practice of the Valuation, Transfer, Laying Out, Improvement, and Management of Landed Property, and of the Cultivation and Economy of the Animal and Vegetable Productions of Agriculture; a General History of Agriculture in All Countries; with Suggestions for Its Future Progress in the British Isles (1844*)
ISBN 978-4-902708-77-6 ・ 菊判 ・ 1416 pp., 1203 ill.
定価 本体54,000円+税 ▶ 2007年
The history and present state of agriculture in Europe, the British Isles, and other countries; management of roads and canals, mills, fisheries, woodlands, orchards, etc.; estate management and accounts; management of farm labourers and domestics; detailed agricultural survey of each county in the British Isles; the agricultural calendar; tables of agricultural weights and measures; etc.
* First edition published in 1825; 2nd ed., 1831: this and subsequent editions contain a Supplement describing recent agricultural developments; the 1844 edition contains the last version of this Supplement, brought up to date till 1843.
An Encyclopaedia of Cottage, Farm, and Villa Architecture and Furniture
Containing Numerous Designs for Dwellings, from the Villa to the Cottage and the Farm, Including Farm Houses, Farmeries, and Other Agricultural Buildings; Country Inns, Public Houses, and Parochial Schools; with the Requisite Fittings-up, Fixtures, and Furniture, and Appropriate Offices, Gardens, and Garden Scenery (1846*)
ISBN 978-4-902708-78-3 ・ 菊判 ・ 1342 pp., 2342 ill.
定価 本体54,000円+税 ▶ 2007年
Architectural styles in farm buildings; altering mansions, monasteries, manufactories, etc., so as to render them fit for agricultural purposes; designs for corn mills, kilns, malt-houses, cider-houses, etc.; designs for stables, dog-kennels, dairies and poultry houses, conservatories, ornamental garden structures, etc.; furniture for the porch, entrance hall, billiard-room, dining-room, library, etc.
* First published in 1833; with a Supplement, 1842 onwards; edited by Jane Loudon, with some corrections and additions to the Supplement and a new Glossarial Index, 1846.