Athena Press      ††††† アメリカ・イギリス・フランスの文化研究資料復刻出版


Athena Sources in the History of World War II


Pictorial History of the War  A Complete and Authentic Record in Text and Pictures  ········ 第二次世界大戦の全容 ― 文と写真による全記録

Athena Sources in the History of World War I

シリーズ揃! 第一次世界大戦を伝えた貴重な報道資料!

The “Manchester Guardian” History of the War

The Illustrated War News  Being a Pictorial Record of the Great War  

The War Illustrated: Album de Luxe   The Story of the Great European War Told by Camera, Pen and Pencil

The Great War … I Was There!   Undying Memories of 1914–1918

Athena Sources in Urban History

Modern London, 1900-1940  【モダン・ロンドン】 

Part 1-3 ································································ 概観・図像記録 

Part 4-6: 1900-1910 ··············································· 世紀転換期からエドワード朝期のロンドン

Part 7-8: 1910-1920 ··············································· エドワード7世の死後10年間のロンドンの生活

Part 9-12: 1920-1930 ·············································· 第一次世界大戦後から大恐慌直前までのロンドン 英国モダニズムの情景

Part 13-17: 1920-1940 ············································ 大恐慌直後から第二次世界大戦前夜までのロンドン

Athena Sources in the History of Art

The Poster : An Illustrated Monthly Chronicle, 1898–1901 ··················· ザ・ポスター [19世紀末イギリス芸術雑誌] Part 1 品切れ  

Athena Sources in Advice Literature

The Early-Victorian Conduct Books of Mrs. Ellis ·································· エリス夫人著作集:ヴィクトリア朝初期の家庭生活指南書

Encyclopaedia of Domestic Economy ··················································· ヴィクトリア朝初期の日常生活実用百科 品切れ

Mrs. C. S. Peel: Writings on Domestic Advice and Social History ·········· C. S. ピール夫人著作集

Harmsworth's Household Encyclopedia ················································· 20世紀イギリス家庭生活百科事典 残部僅少

Athena Sources in Consumer Culture

The Encyclopaedia of Practical Cookery ················································ 19世紀イギリス料理百科事典

English Department Store and Mail Order Catalogues ···························· 20世紀初期イギリス通販カタログ 残部僅少・Part 2 品切れ

English Furniture Trade Catalogues, 1895-1915 ····································· イギリス家具・室内装飾カタログ 1895-1915

Athena Sources in Children's Literature and Education

Cassell's Children's Book of Knowledge ·················································· カッセル少年少女百科事典 

The Girl's Realm Annual, 1899-1903 ······················································· 女子の世界 [エドワード朝前後期の少女向け月刊誌] 

Atalanta ······················································································ アタランタ [後期ヴィクトリア朝の少女向け月刊誌] 残部僅少


Athena Sources in Women's History

Englishwoman's Year Book and Directory ··············································· イギリス女性年鑑1899-1916

Woman's World ··············································································· ウーマンズ・ワールド [オスカー・ワイルド編集]  品切れ 

New Woman Fiction ··································································· 〈新しい女〉小説――世紀末のジェンダー女性表象 Part 1 品切れ

International Council of Women ······························································· 国際女性評議会(ICW)会議報告書 残部僅少


«チャールズ・ディケンズ生誕200周年記念復刻出版 »

Charles Dickens by Pen and Pencil ···························································· ディケンスの世界 ― 文字と絵による秘話と追想


Slum Fiction: Representations of Life in London's East End, 1880-1920 ···· スラム街小説:闇の奥イースト・エンドの人々と生活

Household Narrative of Current Events ····································· ハウスホールド・ナラティヴ [ディケンズ主宰の月刊誌]  残部僅少

The Mysteries of London ···········································································  ロンドンの秘密 品切れ 


An Encyclopaedia of Gardening ································································· ジョン・ラウドン: 19世紀イギリス庭園百科事典

An Encyclopaedia of Agriculture ································································ ジョン・ラウドン: 19世紀イギリス農業百科事典

An Encyclopaedia of Cottage, Farm, and Villa Architecture and Furniture ···· ジョン・ラウドン: 19世紀イギリス田園建築百科事典


Part 1: 絵画に見る18世紀社会  品切れ  再版出来!

Part 2: リゾートの歴史  品切れ

Part 3: クラブの歴史  残部僅少

Part 4: 女性史 1  残部僅少

Part 5: 18-19世紀前半の社会史  残部僅少

Part 6: 近代ロンドンの娯楽  残部僅少

Part 7: ロンドンの公園

Part 8: ロンドン劇場史

Part 9: イギリス女性のスポーツと「身体解放」

Part 10: 19世紀風刺画の発展

Part 11: イギリスサッカーの発展

Part 12: イギリス女性レファレンス 1910-30年代

Part 13: イギリス食文化・歴史

Part 14: イギリス食文化・美食評論

Part 15 & 16: イギリス食文化・酒

Part 17: イギリス食文化・タバコ

Part 18:イギリス食文化・イン

Part 19:イギリス食文化・タヴァン/居酒屋



Part 1, Vols 1-8     【19世紀イギリス舞台女優】

Part 4, Vols 19-23 【イギリスの芸術家 I 】

Part 5, Vols 24–26 【イギリスの芸術家 II 】

Part 6, Vols 27-30 【イギリス舞台女優 1890–1920 】



The Eugenics Movement: An International Perspective ······················ 優生学の国際的展開 品切れ   

Early Writings on Terrorism ······························································· 近代テロリズム基礎資料集 品切れ

NEWS : タイトルのグリーン・ハイライトは2024年度新刊です。