Athena Press      ††††† アメリカ・イギリス・フランスの文化研究資料復刻出版

Athena Sources in the History of Art

The Poster

An Illustrated Monthly Chronicle, 1898–1901


別冊解説:菅 靖子(津田塾大学准教授)  山本 政幸(岐阜大学准教授)

Part 1: Volumes 1–3 (June 1898–February 1900) 全3巻

ISBN 978-4-86340-121-1  ・  B5判  ・  1,050 pp., incl. 72 col. pp.

定価 本体95,000円+税  2012年 品切れ


Part 2: Volumes 4–6 (March 1900–April 1901) 全3巻+別冊解説

ISBN 978-4-863401-122-8  ・  B5判  ・  c. 800 pp., incl. 40 col. pp.

定価 本体84,000円+税  2013年10月予定



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▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ 推薦文2 ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ 

▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ 推薦文3 ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ 

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Cecil Aldin  Henri Cassiers  Dudley Hardy  Ethel Reed 
Arpad Basch  Jules Chéret  John Hassall  Louis Rhead 
Aubrey Beardsley  Scotson Clark  Henri Ibels  Alick Ritchie 
The Beggarstaff Brothers  Gordon Craig  Henri Meunier  Théophile-Alexandre Steinlen 
  (William Nicholson and James Pryde)  Walter Crane  Victor Mignot  Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec 
Paul Berthon  George de Feure  Albert Morrow  Will True 
William Bradley  Charles ffoulkes  Alphonse Mucha  Adolphe Willette 
Frank Brangwyn  Harry Furniss  Pal (Jean Paléologue)  Jack B. Yeats 
Stewart Browne  J. J. Gould  Edward Penfield  Mosnar Yendis (Sidney Ransom) 
Tom Browne  Jules Grün  Henri Privat-Livemont   



Dudley Hardy,  Privat-Livemont, Ethel Reed,  William Bradley,  Jules Chéret,  Scotson Clark,  Walter Crane,  Charles ffoulkes,  Robert Fowler,  Toulouse-Lautrec,  Beardsley,  Tom Browne, Mucha,  Arpad Basch,  Victor Mignot,  Henri Ibels, etc.

Steinlen,  John Hassall,  Will True,  Paul Berthon,  Grün,  Stewart Browne,  Albert Morrow,  Cecil Aldin,  Walter Hill,  Alick Ritchie,  W. S. Rogers,  Mosnar Yendis, Mucha,  Harry Furniss, etc.

Art Programme  ・  Christmas Cards and Calendars  ・  Some French Menus and Programmes  ・  Japan and Posters  ・  Pantomime Posters  ・  Napoleon in Posters  ・  The Applied Arts and Advertising  ・  Dudley Hardy’s Savoy Posters  ・  The Royal Academy and the Artistic Poster  ・  Sarah Bernhardt, Mucha, and Some Posters  ・  Symbolism in Advertising  ・  La Loie Fuller and Her Artistic Advertising  ・  Posters for the Churches  ・  Proposed Legislative Restrictions to Advertising  ・  Railways Posters  ・  Spanish Bull-Fighting Placards  ・  Concerning the Advertisements of Steamship Services  ・  Art and the Music Halls  ・  Artistic Show Cards  ・  Commercial Progress vs Amateur Aestheticism  ・  Lithography: Its Artistic Possibilities  ・  Pictorial Postcards  ・  On Poster Collecting  ・  The Aerograph and Its Inventor  ・  Curiosities of Theatrical Advertising  ・  English Magazine Covers  ・  Stanley Cock’s Music-Hall Posters  ・  Paris Exhibition Notes  ・  Parliamentary Election Posters  ・  The Gentle Art of “Cribbing”  ・  The Collecting of Playbills  ・  The Cabarets of Montmartre and Their Posters  ・  Pictorial Book Advertisement in America  ・  The Influence of Japanese Art on Poster Design  ・  Chéret and Aubrey Beardsley: Their Comparative Influence on Poster Art